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Lorenzo - Sand drawings

Lorenzo, 30 years of independent theater, over 2’000 shows throughout Europe as a pianist and humorist; with the duo Thomas & Lorenzo he produced musical/comedy performances presented in four languages.

(YouTube - Smoking Chopin Thomas & Lorenzo / Der Schwan Thomas Lorenzo / Smoking Chopin Le hongrois / and other videos.).

Parallel to this main activity, he has been curating the Teatro del Chiodo (140 seats) for 30 years in Bellinzona, the Italian part of Switzerland. 

For twenty years he has taught theatrical activities at the high Scool of Lugano and Bellinzona presenting a final show every year.

He has created numerous shows and concerts for children in collaboration with Ferruccio Cainero.

Curiculum: Liceo, Scuola Teatro Dimitri, Conservatory of Italian Switzerland. Director of the Accademia Teatro Dimitri - SUPSI from March 2010 to December 2011.

Since 2015 he has approached the technique of Sand Art that inserts in its new theatrical productions and seminars for adults and children.